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Business Analytics B.S.

Business analytics is the process of descriptive, predictive and prescriptive transformation of data to provide insights into making better business decisions.
A person on a computer in a Whitman classroom.
Students review material on a laptop.

About this Program

  • Display competence in the functional areas of business and their interdependencies.
  • Employ logical, analytical and technological skills in decision making.
  • Develop organizational strategies taking into account internal and external factors.
  • Communicate and interact with others in a professional manner.
  • Demonstrate exemplary personal and professional behaviors and apply knowledge in a selected area of study.
  • Be aware of and engage in a diverse and global society.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of data gathering, preparation, communication and management to meet specific business objectives and enhance the effectiveness of business decision making.
  • Acquire the most recent technologies, applications and practices needed in the continuously emerging field of business analytics.
  • Demonstrate in-depth understanding of the applications of descriptive, predictive and prescriptive data analytic methods.
  • Apply business data analytic approaches to functional areas.

Program Information

Degree Type






College or School

Career Path

Whitman School of Mangement Building

Martin J. Whitman School of Management

Syracuse University’s Martin J. Whitman School of Management combines the resources of a large university with small class sizes and highly individualized attention to offer students the best possible learning experience. Students study under the leadership of exceptional faculty members who are highly esteemed world-class scholars and researchers. A diverse, collaborative community, both online and on-campus, the Whitman School provides students with an education that prepares them to become leaders in today’s global business environment.
Explore the School


The curriculum includes foundational knowledge in business statistics and analytics and further provides you with the opportunity to acquire functional area specialization in accounting analytics, financial analytics, marketing analytics and supply chain analytics. Students also receive coursework in linear models, time series, customer relationship management, database management, data mining, data visualization and optimization.

Extracurricular Opportunities


Alpha Kappa Psi

Alpha Kappa Psi is recognized as the oldest and largest professional business fraternities in the nation. Through professional development, educational programs, community service and a hands-on application of formal education, Alpha Kappa Psi students use the business skills they are taught in the classroom to acquire life skills such as the art of compromise, consensus building, project management, team building and networking. Alpha Kappa Psi is open to students in all majors.


Delta Sigma Pi

Delta Sigma Pi is a professional fraternity organized to foster the study of business in universities, to promote closer affiliation between the commercial world and students of commerce, and to further a higher standard of commercial ethics and culture and the civic and commercial welfare of the community. The Xi Tau Chapter at Syracuse University was founded in 2001 and has grown to approximately 100 active members including Whitman students and economics majors.


The Goodman IMPRESS program

The Goodman IMPRESS Program is designed to provide all Whitman undergraduates with the skills and experiences employers seek, including leadership, communications, certifications, global context and industry exploration. All incoming students are placed in one of four “houses.” Within these houses, they experience healthy competition as they develop their extracurricular skills under the direction of four committed and excellent house masters who teach the introductory business course and serve as their first faculty mentor, along with outstanding sophomore and junior peer facilitators.

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